/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Organising your business activities is an extremely crucial step when you start your organisation. Sound planning and setting up certain guidelines to manage various business activities has always proved to be beneficial for businesses, irrespective of the size or revenue. The amount of time and energy you spend in devising a plan to run your business, says a lot about your company’s future position. In fact, the more you plan and strategize, the better it is for your business's survival in the market.
There are many upsides to keeping your business accounting organised right from the start. With a methodical and organised approach to business accounting in place, several crucial decisions on cash flow can be made on the go, and further plans to grow and develop can also be devised.
These five tips can help even the smallest businesses achieve a well-kept set of books and financial clarity in the long run.
One of the best ways to manage your business’ finances in the most organised way possible is by separating personal expenses from your business expenses. This will not only provide clarity over tax-deductible expenses the business incurs, but also ensure that your overdraft, checking account, and credit cards are separate and no business transactions or tax-related charges are affected.
Cash transactions are hard to track and manage. Expenses paid in cash can be tedious to track and reconciling cash outgoings with receipts can be tricky and time-consuming. Thus, it is always advised that all business transactions should take place in the form of either digital payments, online banking services, or cheques, so that these expenses can be tracked, seamlessly.
Maintaining continuous tracking for receivables and payables will help you track payments more seamlessly. Accounts receivables refer to the amount that a company is entitled to receive from its customers for goods or services sold on credit. Management of receivables refers to planning and controlling debt owed to the customer on account of credit sales. In simple words, the successful closure of your order to sales is determined only when you convert your sales into cash. Till your sales are converted into cash, you need to manage ‘how much you need to receive? from whom? And when? Having a proper tracking system lets you control and manage when your clients have paid and how late outstanding accounts are, so you can keep the cash flow smooth during the month by chasing up payments.
While accounts payable are short-term liabilities that need to be honored within a specific date, any delayed payment will attract additional charges in the form of interest and later payment charges. Also, delayed payment may create discomfort between both the parties and gradually impact the credibility of the business which in turn leads to disruption of the supplies. Thus, maintaining accounts payable will help ensure you aren’t duplicating or being late on your supplier payments.
Manual filing has flown out of the window and is no longer appreciated, especially for MSMEs. The only reason why businessmen choose to start their own company is to grow and expand over the years. Thus, staying compliant with the latest technology comes in handy when your forecast is growth. All the crucial reports and files are best if stored digitally. Optimising your accounting processes and automating them can reduce your costs and improve your business efficiency greatly. An intuitive business management software helps you automate the most complex processes in a business, to ease you from manually entering information. This also reduces the room for errors which would eventually impact your business performance in the long run.
Read more: The benefits of using an accounting software
Every business aims at expanding its processes and make a mark in the industry in the long run. However, not adopting the evolving needs of your business may hamper its growth and success. One of the best methods to run your business smoothly is by choosing a business management software that adapts to your current and future needs.
TallyPrime comes with some amazing capabilities that will not only help you remove business complexities but also adapt the way you work. The software comes with a diverse set of readily available business reports with powerful and actionable insights, helping you make informed decisions for your business growth. Be it business relationships, cash or inventory, these reports will help you manage all these aspects better with extremely easy discovery and navigation.
Take a free trial now and bid goodbye to your business management worries!
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