VAT Return in Oman

Yarab A | Updated on: July 12, 2022

Businesses who are registered under Oman VAT are periodically required to submit the VAT returns to Tax Authorities (TA) in the prescribed format. A VAT return is a statement that summarizes the details of purchases, sales, output VAT and recoverable input VAT that needs to be submitted to the tax authorities in Oman.

VAT return due date

The periodicity of VAT return is quarterly and businesses need to file the return within 30 days following the end of the quarter. For example,  you need to file the return by 30th October for July to September quarter. 

Businesses with an effective date of registration before 1 July 2021 must submit their VAT Return (for the period from 16 April to 30 June 2021) by the 30 July 2021.

Oman VAT Return Format FAQs on Oman VAT Return

Details to be captured in the VAT return form

Businesses are required to submit the tax return electronically through the online portal in the format as prescribed by the authorities. Oman VAT Regulations have prescribed the mandatory information that needs to be declared by the registered person in his VAT return form.

The following are the list of details that need to be declared in the VAT return form.

  • General details for the taxable person: This section captures the details of the business such as business name/trade name/ legal name etc. that is specified during VAT registration

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the business: The TIN of the business issued after VAT registration will be captured here

  • Tax Period for which the return is submitted: Here, the VAT return period (Quarterly) for which the return is submitted will be captured

  • Value of taxable and exempt supplies: All the domestic supplies on which 5% VAT is applicable need to be captured. You also need to include summarise details of exempt supplies made during the tax period

  • Value of imported goods: Here, you need to capture the total value of goods imported into Oman during the tax return period

  • Value of the Output Tax: The total value of output VAT due for the tax period needs to be reported here

  • Value of the Input Tax: The total amount of deductible VAT related to the tax period for which the VAT return is submitted

  • The value of the tax due during the tax reporting period: It is expected that the amount of net VAT payable or refundable after adjusting the output VAT with input VAT will be captured

  • Any other details determined by the Tax Authority (TA): If Tax Authorities (TA) of Oman prescribe any other additional details as a part of VAT return format, the businesses need to furnish those details as well.

The above are the mandatory details that need to be declared in the VAT. Shortly, the VAT return format or form will be notified in which the details need to be declared.

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Oman VAT, VAT Invoice in Oman, Best VAT Software in Oman, Input VAT Deduction in Oman, Exempt Supplies in Oman VAT, How to Calculate VAT in Oman, Reverse Charge Mechanism in Oman VAT, What is VAT and How does it work, What are the Benefits of Applying VAT in Oman, How is Introduction of VAT going to Affect Oman Economy

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