/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
VAT return is a self-assessed statement to be filed by all the VAT registered businesses every quarter. The VAT return form in Oman is a summary level statement. This implies that VAT registered businesses are required to submit the consolidated details of supplies such as total sales, total purchases, output VAT, input VAT and VAT payable.
Though VAT return filing is at a consolidated level, businesses are required to show the break-up of supplies into the following categories:
All the registered businesses need to file VAT returns every quarter, by furnishing the details of supplies in the online portal. Let’s discuss the process to file Oman VAT returns in detail.
The first step is to visit ‘https://tms.taxoman.gov.om/portal/web/taxportal/’ and sign into the taxpayer’s account. Next, navigate to VAT returns and select ‘Add new return’. The basic details of taxpayer are expected to be auto filled.
Here, the taxpayer needs to furnish the details of all the supplies, output VAT and input VAT. This section is categorized into 7 parts, in which the break-up of supplies such as domestic, exports, imports, etc. need to be furnished.
The following are the categories of Vat return:
To know more about VAT return format and details to be captured in each field, read ‘Oman VAT return format’.
If you are eligible for a refund that is greater than OMR 100, you may tick “I want to be refunded” check box. In this case, you must download the “Taxpayer Checklist” excel sheet from the Tax Authority’s website and attach the completed worksheet with the VAT return form. This is applicable only if are claiming a VAT refund greater than OMR 100.
After entering all the data and attaching required attachments, if any, click the ‘SUBMIT’ button and say ‘Yes’ to the confirmation prompt. After confirming the prompt, VAT Return will be submitted
While VAT return filing is just 4 first step process – login, furnish information, payment/refund and submission, the key here is the preparation of return data. By now, you must have gaged the efforts and time required to consolidate the values of different sections and the total value of eligible input deduction.
TallyPrime, a complete business management software, fully supports the Oman VAT requirements. You can issue tax invoices, account for different types of supplies such as GCC supplies, RCM etc. and prepare accurate VAT return data in no time. All you need to do is just record day-to-day transactions, TallyPrime will triangulate your business records to generate the accurate VAT Return, in the prescribed format. Return filing using TallyPrime’s is easy and quick to generate the accurate VAT Return.
Read more on Oman VAT
Oman VAT, VAT Invoice in Oman, Best VAT Software in Oman, Input VAT Deduction in Oman, Exempt Supplies in Oman VAT, How to Calculate VAT in Oman, Reverse Charge Mechanism in Oman VAT, What is VAT and How does it work, What are the Benefits of Applying VAT in Oman, How is Introduction of VAT going to Affect Oman Economy
VAT Rate
VAT Rate in Oman, Zero-Rated supplies in Oman VAT, Food Items Subject to Zero-rate VAT in Oman
VAT Registration
VAT Registration Guide in Oman, VAT Registration Deadline in Oman, Who Should Register Under Oman VAT, Business Benefits of Voluntary VAT Registration, Oman VAT Registration Guide for Persons with CRN, What is Tax Group Registration in Oman VAT
VAT Return
VAT Return in Oman, Oman VAT Return Format, FAQs on Oman VAT Return
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