VAT Return in Bahrain

Tally Solutions | Updated on: December 30, 2021

A Tax return is an official document which all the VAT registered businesses need to submit to the National Bureau for Taxation (NBT). In VAT return, the businesses need to summarize the details of purchases, sales, output VAT and recoverable input for a given tax period. The VAT return format in which the details need to be captured will be prescribed by NBT.

The VAT return format is yet to be notified by NBT. However, the Bahrain Regulations has prescribed the mandatory information which needs to be declared by the registered person in his VAT Return.

The following are the details which need to be contained in the VAT Return:

  • Standard Rated Supplies: All the domestic supplies on which 5% VAT is applicable along with output Vat related to tax period need to be captured.
  • Zero-Rated Supplies: The details of notified supplies which are under Zero-rated list needs to be furnished in this section. Click here to know the list of zero-rated supplies.
  • Value of Goods and Services supplied to the Taxable Person: The value of goods and services supplied to the Taxable Person for which he is liable to pay VAT and the corresponding amount of VAT due.
  • Vat on Imports under deferred payment method: The amount of VAT due on import for which payment has been deferred related to the VAT period for which returns are submitted.
  • Additional VAT Payable: The value of additional Tax due as a result of the adjustment. The nature adjustment allowed will be known only when the VAT return format is available.
  • Total Tax Due:The total value of output VAT due for the Tax Period needs to be reported by you.
  • Details of the expenses (Purchases) made in the VAT return period: The total value of purchases/expenses and the recoverable input VAT.
  • Previous Period VAT Refund: The amount of the net refundable Tax from previous periods.
  • Input VAT on Imports: The amount of deductible input VAT on imports.
  • Adjustments: The value of any excess Tax recovered resulting from an adjustment related to a discount.
  • Total Recoverable Input VAT: The total amount of deductible VAT related to the Tax Period for which the Tax Return is submitted.
  • Net VAT: The amount of Net VAT payable or refundable after adjusting the Output Vat with Input VAT.

The above are the mandatory details which need to be declared in the VAT. Shortly, NBT will notify the format in which the above details need to be declared.

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VAT in Bahrain, VAT Invoice in Bahrain, VAT Return Format in Bahrain, How to file VAT Return under Bahrain VAT, What is VAT and how does it work in Bahrain, VAT Rates in Bahrain, VAT Return Filing Period, VAT Payment in Bahrain, List of Exempt Supplies under VAT in Bahrain, Zero-Rated supply under VAT in Bahrain

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