/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
In our article 'VAT rates in Saudi Arabia', we have learnt about the various types of VAT rates applicable to supply of goods and services in KSA. Supplies can be taxable @ 5%, taxable @ 0% (or zero rate supplies), exempt or out of scope of VAT. With respect to these VAT rates, a very common query in the minds of taxpayers is about the difference between zero rate, exempt and out of scope supplies. While it is clear that VAT is not charged in case of these supplies, it is also important to understand the real difference between them and the reason VAT is not charged on these supplies. In this article, let us understand the difference between zero rate, exempt and out of scope supplies in KSA Saudi VAT.
Zero rate supplies |
Exempt supplies |
Out of scope supplies |
Meaning |
Zero rate supplies are taxable supplies, on which VAT @ 0% should be charged |
Exempt supplies are specific supplies which have been declared as exempt. On these supplies, VAT should not be charged |
Out of scope supplies are supplies which are kept out of the purview of VAT |
Input tax recovery |
These are considered as taxable supplies. Hence, input tax can be recovered on supplies used to make zero rate supplies |
Input tax cannot be recovered on supplies used to make exempt supplies |
As out of scope supplies are out of the purview of VAT, there is no concept of input tax recovery on such supplies |
Examples |
Hence, as evident, zero rate, exempt and out of scope supplies are all supplies on which VAT is not charged. However, it is important to note that the reason why VAT is not charged on each of these supplies is different. Also, a very important difference between these supplies is that input tax can be recovered on supplies used to make zero rate supplies whereas the same is not allowed for supplies used to make exempt supplies. As out of scope supplies are kept out of the purview of VAT, there is no concept of input tax recovery on these supplies.
Read more on Saudi Arabia VAT
Introduction to VAT in Saudi Arabia, Saudi VAT Return Format, What is Time of Supply under VAT Saudi Arabia, Taxable Supplies under VAT in Saudi Arabia, VAT rates in Saudi Arabia, Zero-Rated Supplies under VAT in Saudi Arabia, VAT Exempt Supplies/Items in Saudi Arabia
VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia, VAT invoice format in Saudi Arabia, Types of invoices under VAT in Saudi Arabia, Simplified Tax Invoice in Saudi Arabia, Checklist for VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia
VAT Registration Process in Saudi Arabia, VAT Registration Deadline in Saudi Arabia, VAT Registration Threshold Calculation in Saudi Arabia, Who should register for VAT in Saudi Arabia?, 5 Key Benefits of VAT Registration in Saudi Arabia
VAT payment in Saudi Arabia, VAT Payment on Import of Goods under Saudi VAT, FAQ on VAT Payment in Saudi Arabia
Input VAT deductions in Saudi Arabia, Checklist for Input VAT Deduction, Eligibility for Input Tax Deduction under Saudi VAT
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