VAT invoice format in Saudi Arabia

Tally Solutions | Updated on: August 23, 2023

In the article 'VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia' we learned all about tax invoices, including the details that are mandatory to be mentioned in a tax invoice. In this article, let us see a sample format of a VAT invoice to be issued in KSA.

Sample VAT invoice format

Scenario: On 25th April, ’18, Barak Electronics supplies 50 mobile phones @ SAR 100 to Hussein Mobiles. On 5th May ’18, Barak Electronics issues the tax invoice for the supply to Hussein Mobiles. The tax invoice appears as shown below:

sample vat invoice

This is a tax invoice generated from Tally.ERP 9. Note that a tax invoice issued under Saudi VAT should be in Arabic, in addition to any other language as a translation. Also, the amounts in the tax invoice should be shown in Riyals.

Note that in addition to the details shown in the sample format above, which are applicable to most types of supplies, the following additional case-specific details will need to be provided, based on the type of supply.

Case-specific details to be specified in a tax invoice

The date on which the supply took place if it is different from the date of issue of the tax invoice

In case the tax is not charged at the basic rate, a narration explaining the tax treatment applied to the supply

In cases where the customer is required to self-account for tax on the supply, the customer’s Tax Identification Number and a statement that the customer must account for the tax

In case the supply is of used goods, a reference to the fact that VAT is charged on the profit margin on the supply should be given and the invoice should not show the amount of tax charged

It is very important for registrants to issue complete and VAT compliant tax invoices, containing all the information which is required to be specified under the VAT law. A tax invoice issued by suppliers is also very important for recipients of the supply, as the tax invoice serves as the basis for recovering input tax on a supply. Registrants must note the details that are required in a valid tax invoice and ensure that these details are present in the tax invoices received for their purchases also. This sample format can be a ready reckoner for businesses to design their invoicing systems to ensure that VAT compliant invoices are issued in an automated manner, requiring minimal manual effort to maintain.

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