/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Exempt supplies are supplies of goods or services which are exempted from VAT i.e. no VAT is charged on supply of such goods. On the other hand, Input Vat deduction will not be allowed to the business supplying exempt supplies.
Let us understand this with an example.
Abdul LLP has paid VAT at 5% on the purchase of raw materials and finished goods produced using raw materials are exempted from the VAT. In this case, Abdul LLP will not be allowed to recover 5% Input VAT paid on purchase and it should be treated as a cost of the product.
The following are the 2 things to remember if you are making exempt supplies
Outward supply |
No VAT will be charged on the supply |
Inward Supply (used in supplying finished product or service which is exempt) |
No Input VAT deduction |
You may read our article ‘Important terms under VAT in Bahrain’ to know about input VAT and output VAT.
The supply of goods or services which are notified in Bahrain VAT Law and the VAT Regulations are exempted from VAT. The following is the list of goods or services exempted from the VAT.
Supply of financial services specified in the Vat regulations will be exempt from Vat. These services will be exempted only if they are not conducted in return for an explicit fee, discount, commission, and rebate or any similar return. Otherwise, it will be taxable at 5 % VAT.
The type of financial services which will be exempted in Bahrain Vat along with the conditions will be known only when the Vat Regulations is released.
The supply of bare land and building by way of sale or lease will be exempt from Vat. Again, on the availability of Vat regulations, it will be clear that what type of buildings which will be exempt from the VAT. We expect all residential buildings will be exempt from the VAT.
The following imports are exempted from the VAT. Meaning, the import of goods or services which are specified below will be VAT-free imports.
The Bahrain VAT law only provides the outline of supplies which are exempted. Only when VAT Regulation is released, more clarity will be available on specific instances of supplies which are exempted along with the related terms and conditions.
Read more on Bahrain VAT
VAT in Bahrain, VAT Invoice in Bahrain, Vat Return in Bahrain, VAT Return Format in Bahrain, How to file VAT Return under Bahrain VAT, What is VAT and how does it work in Bahrain, VAT Rates in Bahrain, Tax Invoice Format in Bahrain, Simplified Tax Invoice Format Under VAT in Bahrain, VAT Return Filing Period, Checklist for Tax Invoice in Bahrain, Tax Identification Number (TIN), VAT Payment in Bahrain, Zero-Rated supply under VAT in Bahrain
Read more on Bahrain VAT Registration
VAT Registration in Bahrain, VAT Registration Deadline in Bahrain
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