Introducing Stripe View in TallyPrime Reports: Enhancing Data Visualization

|Updated on: September 11, 2024

Hey there, TallyPrime users! If you've ever squinted at your screen trying to make sense of data in TallyPrime reports, we've got some exciting news for you. With TallyPrime latest release, we have introduced and enhanced feature: Stripe View. Let's dive into how this enhancement is set to revolutionize your data visualization experience. 

Introducing Stripe View in Reports 

Let's face it – navigating through reports packed with extensive data across rows and columns can be a bit of a headache. Whether it's tracking transactions in the Daybook or analyzing detailed financial statements, keeping everything straight is challenging. That's where TallyPrime's new Stripe View feature comes to the rescue. 

With Stripe View, your reports become easier to read and understand, especially when dealing with large amounts of data that spans multiple rows and columns. No more struggling to relate the details of one column with another or figuring out where one row ends and the next begins. This feature is designed to make your data visualization experience seamless, clear, and efficient. 

How Stripe View makes it simpler 

Stripe View is here to save the day with its intuitive approach. Here's how it works:

1. Relate data effortlessly with black and white stripes

Think of zebra Stripes: black and white, clear and distinct. We've brought this concept into TallyPrime reports. Every alternative line item in your report is highlighted, making it super easy to differentiate rows and identify the right column value with its respective head. 

  • No more guessing: Whether there are underlines, titles, or separator lines, the zebra Stripes keep the pattern intact, ensuring you never lose track. 
  • Minimal distraction: The neat look of the reports minimizes distraction, so you can focus on what truly matters – your data.

2. Stripe view for both reports and vouchers

Why limit a good thing? Stripe View isn't just for reports; it's also available in vouchers. This means enhanced readability and visibility across the board. Whether you're scrutinizing a report or a voucher, the Stripe View feature ensures a smooth, user-friendly experience.

3. Global and report-level customization

We understand that one size doesn't always fit all. That's why Stripe View offers flexibility: 

  • Global Application: Want a consistent look across all your reports? Apply Stripe View globally. 
  • Report-Specific Customization: Prefer to apply it only to specific reports? You can do that too. The choice is yours. 

Activating Stripe View in TallyPrime: 

With TallyPrime’s Stripe View, navigating through your reports and vouchers is easier than ever. Say goodbye to the days of straining your eyes and hello to a streamlined, efficient way of viewing data. Here’s how to activate it: 

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To enable it for all reports, press F1--> Settings --> Display --> Set ‘Enable Stripe View’ to Yes. 


  1. If you wish to enable it for only a few selected reports or vouchers, then press F12 for configuration from reports or voucher screen. 
  1. Set "Enable Stripe View" to Yes. 

And just like that, Stripe View will be activated! 

So, what are you waiting for? Update to TallyPrime latest release and let Stripe View enhance your data visualization experience. 

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