/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
When a business owner initiates an idea to start a company, the first thing that pops in their mind is how to make complicated business processes more simplified. When the basis of your business plan is carved out of simplicity, it becomes much easier to get other crucial processes in place more seamlessly. And guess what, TallyPrime offers you just that! Built-in with some amazing features and capabilities, TallyPrime is designed to give you the best experience in the simplest way possible.
Take a look at the 5 things in TallyPrime that enhance your business efficiency 10x more:
When you are working on a specific report, you may face several unprecedented interruptions. These situations may result in inaccurate reporting and unnecessary disruption. In such scenarios, you would feel the need to get appropriate support to manage contingencies. TallyPrime has been designed in a way that you will rarely need any support or help in running the product as per your needs. If at all you do, in-product help will guide you so you can figure a way out yourself. The product comes with an intelligent setup manager which can interact with all the components of the system where Tally is running and guide you to troubleshoot any licensing or application run-time issues
When we talk about having a simple-to-operate software, our focus is towards how easy it is to use. And so, TallyPrime is built in such a way that without having to learn or holding expertise in the business software. With TallyPrime, you can conveniently refer to various reports from anywhere in Tally. This feature also inherently supports you when you are to multitask or handle interruptions. Suppose you’re in the middle of making a payment entry but suddenly want to refer to bills outstanding before proceeding. With GoTo, you will be able to handle many such situations without the hassle of switching between multiple instances of Tally or the worry of losing your progress.
Every business and its process is unique. It is important that a business management software that you use, caters to your current as well as future needs. Especially when your business grows, the demand for automating several processes also grow. TallyPrime is flexible to understand this, and thus allows you to easily make the report as you want, basis your business contexts. Here are some of the instances to understand how you can generate more insightful reports:
Printing out your invoices and reports is not only much more convenient in TallyPrime with the print anything from anywhere capability but also eco-friendly. You can now save up to 80% of paper with the optimized way and set up of printing.
TallyPrime comes with a powerful search bar called Go To as part of the new top menu. This allows you to easily access all reports in the application which can be used to take better decisions for your business. Go To is sensitive to your unique way of referring to various reports and classifies them based on both general and your own usage terms. It is so intuitive that you need not worry about the navigation path and learning your way into those reports. Simply press “Alt + G”, the shortcut key for Go To or simply click on Go To, and type or select the report you want to view. That’s it! You are just a click away to discover the insights you need.
So, what’s holding you back? Get your hands on TallyPrime right away, and we are sure you won’t go back to any other business management software.
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