/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Huge steps towards tomorrow have been taken, the traditional paper-printed invoice in Saudi Arabia is history now. And while the future and the ambitious vision of Saudi Arabia is coming true quickly, day after day. Your business must be ready to be on the right track where everything can be measured and solved in a few seconds.
On the 4th of December 2020, Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) published the e-invoicing regulations specifying the terms, requirements, and conditions related to electronic invoices and their associated notes.
How to Generate e-invoices Instantly with TallyPrime in Saudi Arabia |
Digitalizing all transactions and processes in your business are critical to succeed in the new era. After e-invoicing became mandatory in Saudi Arabia, both sellers and buyers in Saudi can benefit from this win-win solution. Electronic invoicing allows for generating invoices, credit notes, and debit notes in a structured and secured electronic format using a complaint e-invoice software.
Before we get to know the different e-invoice formats, let’s understand what it takes to call an invoice a complaint e-invoice.
So, you should wonder first about the main format of an invoice and what is considered as an electronic invoice, and what is not!
Well, this is a good question to ask and the answer is very easy:
According to Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) e-invoicing regulations, a tax invoice that is generated in a structured electronic format through electronic means is only considered an e-invoice. We are talking here about an invoice that has been issued and distributed only in an electronic way. No paper, printing, paper copy, or scan processes are included in issuing e-invoices.
A paper invoice that is converted into an electronic format through copying, scanning, or any other method is NOT considered an electronic invoice. Also, an invoice created by word processing or graphic software is NOT considered an e-invoice. Invoices created by e-invoicing systems and in the correct format is only considered compliant electronic invoice.
In Saudi VAT, two types of invoices are issued on making taxable supplies. The first is ‘Tax invoice’ and the second is ‘Simplified invoice.’ If you are selling to another business (B2B model), you will need to issue a tax e-invoice. If you are selling to individual customers (B2C model), you will need to issue a simplified tax invoice.
Both tax invoices and simplified invoices are covered under the scope of e-invoicing, meaning businesses should ensure that e-invoicing guidelines are followed when issuing such invoices.
Let’s start with the tax invoice
Electronic tax invoices for the first phase have the same requirements as regular tax invoices. In addition to the buyer’s VAT number, if registered under VAT, a QR code may be added optionally.
QR code here means the type of matrix barcode, with a pattern of black and white squares that is machine-readable by a QR code scanner or the camera of smart devices to enable basic validation of electronic invoices and electronic notes.
Tax e-invoice format
A sample tax e-invoice format generated from TallyPrime
If you sell to individual customers in Saudi Arabia, you can issue a simplified invoice. Also, if the supply value does not exceed SAR 1,000, a simplified tax invoice can be issued
Electronic simplified tax invoices for the first phase have the same requirements as regular simplified tax invoices; however, it is mandatory to include QR code on simplified e-invoices.
Simplified Tax E-invoice format
A sample simplified e-invoice format generated from TallyPrime
So, if you are thinking about which e-invoice format your business should issue, you just need to identify the business model. This will help to know if you need to issue a tax e-invoice or a simplified tax e-invoice. To make it easy, we have summarised the differences in the below table.
Details |
Tax E-invoice |
Simplified Tax E-invoice |
Buyer Type |
Business or Company |
Individual Customer |
Invoice Requirements |
Same requirements of regular tax invoices |
Same requirements of regular simplified tax invoices |
Buyer VAT Number |
If registered under VAT |
Not Applicable |
QR Code |
Optional |
Mandatory |
Main Requirements of any e-invoice type |
Seller’s name VAT registration number of the seller Timestamp of the Electronic Invoice or Credit/Debit Note (date and time) VAT total Electronic Invoice or Credit/Debit Note total (with VAT) |
TallyPrime is qualified by ZATCA (GAZT) as a compliant e-Invoicing (FATOORA) software. From generating e-invoices instantly to storing and keeping track of them through the e-invoicing report, TallyPrime takes care of every little detail to bring you the most delightful experience.
Following are e-invoicing features of TallyPrime
Key Dates for Phases and Waves of e-Invoicing Compliance in KSA
Simplifying VAT Compliance for Financial Institutions Using SWIFT Messages in UAE
Why TallyPrime Subscription Is Ideal for Startups and SMEs
Simplifying Arabic Invoice Compliance in Kuwait and Qatar with TallyPrime 5.0