/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
With the introduction of VAT in Saudi Arabia, a new era has dawned in the country, where many goods and services supplied will attract VAT. For businesses having operations in Saudi Arabia, it is important to know the VAT rates applicable to the supplies that they make. The below table is a ready reckoner to understand the VAT rates applicable to different sectors in the country.
KSA VAT Rate Schedule |
Supply |
Taxable @ 5% |
Taxable @ 0% |
Exempt |
Out of scope |
Food & Beverages |
Transportation |
Domestic transportation |
International transportation (including intra-GCC) |
Transportation services for goods or passengers outside KSA |
Supply of a qualifying means of international transport (vehicle, vessel, aircraft) with special specifications |
Supply of replacement parts, consumables, maintenance and repair services for qualified transport (with special terms) |
Real Estate |
Commercial sale and rent |
Residential sale, where the property was not used or intended to be used as a permanent residence of the seller, or the seller’s relative (up to the fourth degree) |
Sale of own/close relative’s dwelling |
Hotels, inns, guest houses, motels and serviced accommodation rent |
Residential rent |
Rent of housing for students |
Education |
Private education |
Public education |
Healthcare |
Private healthcare |
Public healthcare |
Medicines and medical equipment issued by KSA Ministry of Health and SFDA |
Oil, Oil derivatives and Gas sector (domestic) |
Investments in Gold, Silver, and Platinum |
≥99% pure and tradable in global markets |
<99% pure |
Wired and Wireless telecommunication and Electronic services |
Financial Services |
Margin based products |
Operation of any current, deposit or savings account |
Explicit fee, commission or commercial discount |
Insurance products (including health insurance) |
Insurance services and life reinsurance |
Interest or lending fees charged with an implicit margin for any form of lending (including loans and credit cards) |
Interest or lending fees charged with an implicit margin for finance (including finance leasing) |
Issue or transfer of a debt security or any other transferable monetary amount |
Government Activities |
Public services provided by government agencies which are not considered as an economic activity, such as renewal of passport, driving license, etc. |
Others |
Exports outside the GCC territory |
Services provided to non-GCC residents and consumed outside the GCC territory |
Activity exercised by employees bound to an employer by contract |
Supplies made by members of a single tax group |
You can download the VAT rate list (pdf file) right away! Download
The VAT rate in Saudi Arabia was 5%, but from 1st July,2020, it is increased to 15%.
The VAT 15% needs to be calculated on the taxable value of the supplies. Let’s say if the taxable value is 10,000. The VAT @ 15% will be 1500.
Yes, from 1st July,2020, it is increased from 5% to 15%.
Zero-rate will be applicable on gold with 99% purity level and the gold with a lower purity level will be taxed at the standard rate.
The VAT rate of 15% is charged from 1st July,2020.
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