/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
All businesses that have a place of residence in Oman and whose value of supplies in the previous 11 months and the current month have exceeded 38,500 OMR should mandatorily register under Oman VAT. Also, suppose the businesses anticipate that the total value of supplies in the current month and the next 11 months exceeds the mandatory registration threshold of OMR 38,500. In that case, they too have to register under Oman VAT.
Input VAT Deduction in Oman | Expenses on which Input VAT Deduction is Blocked |
In any case, if the value of supplies is less than the registration threshold limit, they will not be allowed to register. In future, if the value of supplies or expenses exceeds the registration threshold, they can apply for VAT registration.
This results in a situation in which businesses were not registered on the 16th April, 2021, the date on which VAT was implemented, but over time, they have exceeded the defined threshold and have been registered under Oman VAT.
For such businesses, there are two phases -Pre-Registration and Post-registration. In the pre-VAT registration phase, they had to pay VAT on their purchase/expenses but could not recover Input VAT. This is because only the registered businesses were allowed to recover input VAT. In the post-registration phase, they can collect 5% VAT on taxable supplies and recover the input VAT paid on purchases/expenses.
While the post-registration phase is clear, what happens to VAT paid on purchases or expenses paid during the pre-registration phase. Will businesses be allowed to recover the VAT paid before VAT registration?
The answer is Yes. The Oman VAT law allows the recovery of input tax paid on goods, services and imported goods before VAT registration. However, there are certain conditions that businesses need to meet in claiming input VAT deduction on such purchases or expenses.
Let’s understand the conditions to recover input VAT on goods and services purchased before VAT registration.
The businesses can deduct the input tax incurred on goods supplied to the taxable person or imported by the taxable person before the effective date of registration, as per the following conditions:
A Taxable Person may deduct the input tax incurred on services supplied to the Taxable Person before the effective date of registration as per the following conditions:
Businesses who wish to deduct input tax incurred on goods and services before the effective registration date must submit a ‘Pre-registration Input Tax’ application to the authority. This must be done within 30 days of the effective registration date by furnishing the details in the application form prepared for such purpose.
Following details and documents should be submitted by businesses:
The authority will decide on the application within 30 days of receiving the details and documents, and the approved value of deductible tax will be communicated to the business.
Read more on Oman VAT
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