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Rohit Kukadiya


Associate Lead Engineer

  • Web Design & Development
  • PHP
  • COTS Integration

With 9 years of IT experience specializing in web development across various technologies, I deliver high-quality, scalable solutions for large customers and partners. I have played a key role in developing enterprise systems, implementing, and managing COTS systems for Tally, where I have delivered solutions for system optimization and performance improvement. At Tally, I am responsible for commercial, partner, and resource management.

Posts by Rohit Kukadiya:

Tally Blogs
Rohit Kukadiya  
COTS solutions Pub/Sub API Pub/Sub Model with AWS
Boosting Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of the Pub/Sub Model with AWS

Leveraging Pub/Sub Solution for asynchronous communication, a system that can handle a large influx of customer requests quickly and efficiently.

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