/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Effective from 1st September 2023, all businesses in Kenya, whether registered for VAT or not, should switch to the new eTIMS (Electronic Tax Invoice Management System) for electronic handling of invoices using the eTIMS onboarding process.
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) also stated that effective from January 1, 2024, taxpayers cannot claim their business expenses, if those expenses weren’t supported with electronic invoices. Hence, all taxpayers in Kenya have been gradually transitioning from their existing invoicing systems/ERPs to the new eTIMS model.
The new electronic invoicing software of eTIMS comes in different types, with each type suiting a certain type of business. The basic eTIMS onboarding process of signing up with your credentials and verifying your business with the OTP is the same for VAT-registered and non-VAT-registered businesses.
However, the main difference arises in choosing the type of eTIMS solution that best fits businesses requirements. KRA released eTIMS Lite, a new platform, exclusively for non-VAT registered to seamlessly integrate to eTIMS. For VAT-registered businesses, KRA has other platforms such as eTIMS Client, Online Portal, Virtual Sales Control Unit (VSCU) and Online Sales Control Unit (OSCU).
Non-VAT registered businesses can access the new eTIMS Lite Software through the eCitizen portal.
If you own a VAT-registered business in Kenya, here are the steps you can follow to onboard to eTIMS smoothly:
Here are a few tips for smooth onboarding on eTIMS:
The Kenya Revenue Authority has introduced eTIMS for proper recording and submission of electronic invoices. Since it brings discipline to the entire invoicing system in Kenya, all taxpayers (whether VAT-registered or not) must shift to eTIMS. The steps for onboarding are quite simple, and even small businesses can seamlessly integrate into eTIMS if these steps are followed properly.
TallyPrime is introducing an eTIMS solution certified by KRA to simplify the invoicing journey for businesses. Our solution can help you upload all transaction-related information in the required format directly to the eTIMS server without leaving the TallyPrime interface. Here's a quick preview of the features you can expect from eTIMS on TallyPrime:
Create and submit invoices to the eTIMS portal in real-time and avoid uploading them separately through another interface.
Generate authenticated e-Invoices with QR codes. Built-in validation checks will ensure that your invoices are correct before they are uploaded to eTIMS.
TallyPrime’s eTIMS Status report feature will keep you updated on the status of your uploaded transactions.
All uploaded transactions on eTIMS are captured within TallyPrime to auto-fill in VAT return forms, update inventory, create insightful reports, etc.
Instant e-Invoicing with TallyPrime’s eTIMS Solution
VSCU and OSCU – A Beginner’s Guide to Setup
A Guide to the Different Types of eTIMS Solutions
eTIMS Onboarding for VAT and non-VAT Businesses
Step-by-Step Guide to Onboarding on eTIMS
e-Invoicing Grace Period Provided for Non-VAT Registered Taxpayers