/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
The sales environment needs speed and accuracy to process the customers' purchases at the point of sale (POS). Choosing the right POS billing system can speed up your billing and make inventory and accounting easier to manage. A POS system should also be able to work with a range of scanning hardware to have the flexibility that you need to integrate with existing equipment. POS and billing software that integrates with inventory and accounting creates an environment where these departments can work cohesively to improve performance.
Multitasking Just Got Easier with TallyPrime |
POS or Point of Sale is the counter where the customer at a retail store makes the payment for their purchases. It is a computerized cash register to process a sale and payments. The POS counter processes the selections of the customer and generates a bill. This bill is presented to the customer who makes the payment. A POS system is also used in businesses that provide a service or restaurants where the bill is brought to the customer. These may be very different scenarios, but they have the same POS functionality. The customer avails of selected products or services, and the business generates a bill. The POS software should also feature billing and invoicing capabilities for companies that do business with customers who may not always be physically present in the establishment.
When a sale is made, the buyer is given a bill or invoice. In the retail scenario, a bill is presented and payment is immediate. The buyer takes possession of the goods after making the payment. A POS system is adequate for this scenario. However, in wholesale or manufacturing businesses, the sale process is driven by the agreements between the buyer and the seller. In most cases, the order is packed and shipped along with an invoice to the buyer. The buyer makes payment on receipt of the goods or as per the terms and conditions. An invoice has more details that a POS bill would have. Billing software helps the business generate invoices for sales.
An advanced and fully integrated software such as TallyPrime intelligently links all the different inventory, accounting, invoicing, billing, and POS processes. When you select TallyPrime you do not have to transfer data from one software to another manually. A sale of an item will automatically reflect on that item's inventory stock and update the appropriate accounting ledger for the sale amount.
Tally’s fully integrated POS system Uganda gives you complete control over all aspects of your business in one place. You can study the sales revenue and inventory stock-flow patterns through one software. Every report is generated in real-time and accurately. The intuitive interface and flow of screens simplify and speed up the sales process, making work easier for everyone using the system. The analytics feature of Tally helps management drill down on the different factors that affect the financials of the business. It also allows the administration to set sales goals and monitor how the sales personnel achieve them.
Integrated inventory and sales management helps all the company's different departments work together to drive the business forward. The software follows the service or product's life cycle from the purchase entry to the final sale to the customer. It ensures that all the relevant records and documents are updated automatically with no lag because of the lack of system integration. TallyPrime’s billing, invoicing and POS system Uganda is the foundation of better productivity, speed and accuracy in your company’s sales processes.
Read More:
FAQs on eTIMS in Kenya
Instant e-Invoicing with TallyPrime’s eTIMS Solution
VSCU and OSCU – A Beginner’s Guide to Setup
A Guide to the Different Types of eTIMS Solutions
eTIMS Onboarding for VAT and non-VAT Businesses
Step-by-Step Guide to Onboarding on eTIMS