/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
In our previous article, we have learnt the differences between zero rate, exempt and out of scope supplies. In this article, let us answer the FAQs in the minds of taxpayers with regard to zero rate and exempt supplies.
FAQ 1: What are zero rate supplies in UAE?
Answer: Zero rate supplies are taxable supplies for which VAT rate is 0%.
FAQ 2: Should suppliers of zero rate supplies charge VAT in UAE?
Answer:Suppliers of zero rate supplies should not charge VAT, as the rate of VAT on these supplies is 0%.
FAQ 3: If a person makes zero rate supplies, should the person register under UAE VAT?
Answer:Zero rate supplies should be included in calculation of taxable turnover to check whether it exceeds the threshold for registration. A person should register for VAT if his/her taxable turnover exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12-month period or if the person expects the taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days.
However, if a person solely makes zero rate supplies, he/she can seek an exemption from registration. If the person is exempted from registration, he/she is not required to submit regular tax returns and cannot recover input tax on inward supplies.
FAQ 4: Does a registered person who solely makes zero rate supplies need to file tax returns in UAE?
Answer: Even if a person solely makes zero rate supplies, the person has to file tax returns. However, if the person has received an exemption from registration on account of making solely zero rate supplies, the person does not need to file tax returns and cannot recover input tax on the business purchases.
FAQ 5: Which sectors will be zero rated under VAT in UAE?
Answer: VAT will be charged at 0% in the following main categories of supplies:
FAQ 1: What are exempt supplies in UAE VAT?
Answer: Exempt supplies are not taxable supplies for the purpose of VAT. VAT is not charged on exempt supplies and the supplier cannot recover VAT paid on expenses incurred in making the exempt supplies.
FAQ 2: If a person makes only exempt supplies, does the person need to register in UAE?
Answer: If a person solely makes exempt supplies, then the person is not required to register under VAT.
FAQ 3: Which sectors will be exempt from VAT in UAE?
Answer: The following categories of supplies will be exempt from VAT:
FAQ 4: How to recover input tax on expenses incurred to make both taxable and exempt supplies in UAE VAT?
Answer: In certain situations, an expense will relate to both taxable and non-taxable supplies made by a registered person (such as activities of the banking sector). In these cases, the registrant needs to apportion the input tax relating to the expense between taxable and exempt supplies. Input tax can only be recovered on the portion used to make taxable supplies.
FAQ 5: Will goods which are exempt from customs duties also be exempt from VAT?
Answer: This is not necessary. Some goods which are exempt from customs duties will still be subject to VAT.
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