/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
In business, there are scenarios where unregistered businesses import goods and have to pay VAT on import. As these businesses are unregistered, the VAT to be paid on import is not collected at the time of return filing. Such persons need to pay VAT on import in a different manner. There are 2 main methods for payment of VAT on import by unregistered persons. The method to be chosen depends on the scenario of import. The 2 methods for payment of VAT on import by unregistered persons are:
In this article, let us discuss the scenarios where unregistered persons should pay VAT on import and the process for the same.
The scenarios where unregistered persons should pay VAT on import are:
Let us now understand the process by which unregistered persons have to pay VAT on import in these cases:
The importer should prepare and submit the customs declaration in the respective Customs portal and do the following:
Once the declaration is approved, it moves to 'Pending tax payment' status.
A customs official will validate the declaration details and approve the declaration. The importer will receive a notification that the declaration is approved.
The Customs declaration will be sent to the FTA by the Customs Authority.
Note: Once the Customs declaration is sent to the FTA, the customs system will not allow any further editing of the form. The status of the declaration form can only be changed to either 'Approved' or 'Declined'.
Unregistered persons should create an e-Services account on the FTA portal to pay for VAT Payment on import.
The sign-up process is as follows:
The final step is for unregistered persons to login to the FTA portal and pay the VAT due on import. Import VAT is calculated on the value of the goods + Customs duty + Excise duty.
The steps to pay VAT on the FTA portal have been discussed in detail in our article 'Steps to pay VAT in FTA portal'.
Hence, the process for unregistered persons to pay VAT on import of goods is different from the process for registered persons. In our next article, we will see the process for unregistered persons to pay VAT on import of goods through e-guarantees.
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