/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
In UAE VAT, a person whose turnover exceeds AED 375,000 should mandatorily register and a person whose turnover exceeds AED 187,500, is allowed to apply for Voluntary registration. For each person who has registered for VAT, a unique number is issued by the authority known as Tax Registration Number. In short, it is called as TRN.
Basically, a tax registration number is your VAT Number or VAT Registration Number through which the authority will be able to recognise or identify you.
The taxable person who has been issued with a VAT registration number is called as 'Registrant '. It is expected that VAT number in UAE will be of 15 digits. The taxable person who has obtained the VAT number is expected to mention his VAT Registration Number in various documents such as VAT returns, Tax Invoice, Tax Credit Note and in all other documents as prescribed by the UAE VAT LAW and Executive Regulations.
For a better understanding about VAT registration number and to know the usage of VAT Number, we are listing down a few short FAQs on VAT registration number:
After applying for VAT registration and successfully verification, VAT registration number will be issued.
The Federal Tax Authority of UAE will issue VAT number after successful verification of your registration application.
It is expected to have 15 digits.
In case, a taxable person wishes to join a tax group, will a VAT Number be issued to him?
Yes, if a taxable person is already registered with FTA, he will be in possession of VAT registration number, using which he can join the tax group. If not, he must submit the VAT registration form and on submitting, a Tax Identification Number (TIN) will be issued. Using TIN, he can join the tax group. Remember, a TIN is not a valid TRN, it is a number issued by the FTA for tax identification purposes only.
Yes, it is mandatory for a registrant to mention his VAT number in all his returns. Only through the VAT number, the authority be able to identify the taxable person
It is mandatory to mention the VAT number in the following documents:
Introducing TallyPrime Cloud Access Starting from AED 63/Month
Maximising Tax Benefits for Free Zone Entities under UAE Corporate Tax Law
Key Dates for Phases and Waves of e-Invoicing Compliance in KSA
Simplifying VAT Compliance for Financial Institutions Using SWIFT Messages in UAE
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