/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Deemed Supply exceptions under VAT in UAE refer to those cases which prevent an instance to be considered as deemed supply. This implies that, though the instance is listed as a deemed supply, if it finds a place in the list of deemed supply exceptions, it will not be considered as deemed supply and VAT will not be levied.
To know the instances of deemed supply in UAE, please read 'What is Deemed Supply?'
The following are the deemed supply exceptions.
If the input VAT deduction is not claimed on goods or services, the instance of deemed supply will not arise and no VAT will need to be paid. This becomes more relevant in case of business assets supplied for no consideration and used for the non-business purpose. In such cases, if the input VAT was not recovered, it will not be considered as deemed supply, though it is supplied without consideration or used for the non-business purpose.
Ali Spares Ltd purchased 15 computers worth AED 30,000/- and paid VAT of AED 1,500/-. Out of These 15 computers, 14 were used for maintaining the records and accounts of the business and 1 was used for personal purpose.
Ali Spares Ltd availed Input Tax deduction only on the 14 computers which are used for business purpose.
Since on 1 computer which was used for the non-business purpose, input VAT was not recovered, it will not be considered as deemed supply and VAT will not be applicable.
If the goods and services which are in question under deemed supply, are actually part of VAT exemption, such supplies will not be considered as deemed supply. In other words, once a supply is exempted, it is always exempt and even by applying the instance of deemed supply, it cannot be rendered as a taxable supply. For example, supply of the residential building.
The extent of input VAT recovery on capital assets is determined in accordance with the capital asset scheme. If the recovered Input VAT has already been reversed, in case of such goods and services (which are in question of deemed supply) in accordance with Capital Assets Scheme, then it will not be considered as deemed supply.
Deemed supply includes the instance of supplies made without consideration but there are threshold exceptions which are designed to exclude the transaction with the smaller value from being considered as a deemed supply. The threshold here is AED 500 and this exception comes with the following conditions:
For example, if you have supplied goods as samples to your customer whose value during the 12 months is AED 450 (to that customer), it will not be considered as deemed supply even though it is made without consideration.
Here, an exception is provided to all the deemed supplies based on the output VAT threshold. If the total of output tax payable on all Deemed Supplies for each person for a 12-month period is less than AED 2,000, it will not be considered as deemed supplies.
It is not only important for a business to know the activities which amount to deemed supply, also knowing the exceptions to the instance of deemed supply will help businesses to take benefits offered and avoid paying VAT on such exceptional instances of deemed supply.
To know how to determine the value, the date on which you are liable to pay VAT and other compliance requirements in case of Deemed supplies, please read 'Value, Time of Supply and other VAT requirements in case of Deemed Supplies'.
Read more about UAE VAT
UAE VAT Return, VAT in UAE, How Does VAT System Works, Frequently Used Terms in VAT, VAT Exempt Supplies in UAE, VAT Return Form 201, Tax Audit under VAT in UAE, Supply under UAE VAT, Supply of Goods and Services in UAE VAT, Input Tax Recovery under VAT in UAE, VAT Return Filing in UAE, VAT Return Filing Period in UAE, Tax Agent under UAE VAT
VAT Rate
VAT Rate in UAE, VAT Rates Applicable to Education Sector in UAE, Difference between Zero Rate, Exempt and Out of Scope Supplies in UAE VAT, UAE VAT Rates- Handbook, Standard Rated Purchases/Expenses in VAT Form 201, How to Furnish Standard Rated Supplies in VAT Return Form 201, Zero-Rated and Exempt Supplies in VAT Form 201, Zero-Rated Supplies in UAE VAT
Reverse Charge
Reverse Charge Supplies in VAT Form 201, VAT Reverse Charge Mechanism, Conditions for applying reverse charge VAT in Gold and Diamond Business
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