/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
All the registered business are required to file a VAT return furnishing the details of sales, purchases output VAT and input VAT paid during the tax period. Here, the output VAT is the amount which is collected on sales and Input VAT is the amount which is paid to the supplier towards purchases / expenses. The eligible input VAT amount will be allowed to be adjusted with the output VAT amount. After adjusting the output VAT and Input VAT, the result will lead to one of the following situations.
VAT Payable: If output VAT amount is higher than the Input VAT, the balance will be VAT payable which needs to be paid to FTA.
VAT Refundable: If output VAT is lesser than the input VAT amount, the excess balance will be VAT refundable.
The taxpayer has following two options in treating the excess input VAT commonly known as VAT refundable:
If you have excess input VAT, an option will be available on the VAT Return to request a refund.
As shown in the image above, you need to select 'Yes' in box no. 15 ‘Do you wish to request a refund for the above amount of excess recoverable tax’. If you select 'No', your excess recoverable tax will be carried forward to subsequent Tax Periods and can be used to offset against payable tax and / or penalties.
After the VAT Return is submitted, you are required to complete the VAT refund application 'Form VAT311'. The following are the steps to submit VAT refund form 'VAT311':
Scenarios |
Amount |
IF you have not been charged a penalty |
Zero |
If you have been charged a penalty and you have paid the penalty |
Zero |
If you have been charged penalty but are yet to be paid the penalty at the time of claiming this refund |
20,000 |
The refund form will be processed as per the FTA process. You will receive an email notification from the FTA on the result of your application. Once your claim is approved, the amount will be refunded. You will receive a confirmation email of the refund and you may check your balance in 'My Payment' tab -> Transaction History section displaying the amount refunded.
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Maximising Tax Benefits for Free Zone Entities under UAE Corporate Tax Law
Key Dates for Phases and Waves of e-Invoicing Compliance in KSA
Simplifying VAT Compliance for Financial Institutions Using SWIFT Messages in UAE
Why TallyPrime Subscription Is Ideal for Startups and SMEs