/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Simplicity and flexibility are two crucial aspects, that we all ask for when opting for a software solution. Numerous navigations, uncountable shortcut keys, unappealing design and interface, etc. always make us turn and walk away. Especially with so many options available for a user, it is crucial that every software provider lives up to the market standards or sometimes even surpasses that and creates a new benchmark of how a software should ideally be like.
Software has become a very strong helper for businesses, and this completely reformed how companies are run in the current age. The first thing to notice is that everyone in the company, in one way or another, becomes involved in this mysterious thing and their activities are built around it. Given the nature of any software, it is imperative that its features are simple yet intuitive, so that any user can access it, seamlessly.
Thus, considering an increase in the simplistic design and user-friendly interface, we have revisited every area of our product, analysed how we can deliver the simplest experience possible and made it come alive with TallyPrime.
There are innumerable enhancements that have been brought into TallyPrime, most of which would need to be experienced to truly feel their power. One of these countless new enhancements is that of how simple and easy Tally Prime is to learn. No prior knowledge of Tally, no special/additional training will be required, anymore. Just installation, quick set-up and you will be all set to use Tally Prime for your everyday accounting needs.
TallyPrime has been designed in a way that you will rarely need any support or help in running the product as per your needs. If at all you do, in-product help will guide you so you can figure a way out yourself. Just click ‘Help’ on the top menu or simply press F1 to get instant assistance.
While there are several experiences that we have introduced in TallyPrime, here are a few that we believe will make you never want to go back to any older version.
Printing of invoices and reports too has become much more convenient than before. With print anything from anywhere capability, getting access to crucial data has become seamless as well as eco-friendly. Several times, a business owner may need these reports to present to stakeholders. In such circumstances, the printing feature comes in handy and helps save up to 80% of paper with the optimized way and set up of printing.
Tally Prime has been carefully designed, basis our customers and its usability. Our only aim is to provide the users all the data that they need, accurately and instantly. The consistency and intuitiveness in design mean that you will be able to discover more and learn easily on the go.
So why wait to get hands on any other software product for your business needs, when TallyPrime is here to serve you in the best way possible? Redefine simplicity, experience TallyPrime now!
TallyPrime’s ‘Go To’, TallyPrime’s Simplified Security and User Management System, TallyPrime’s Amazing Invoicing Experience, Tally’s Exception Reporting to Address Data Anomalies, Multitasking Just Got Easier with TallyPrime, 5 Things in TallyPrime for Enhanced Business Efficiency, Analysing Business Reports Just Got Easier with TallyPrime, 5 Things You Can Do Using Save View Option in TallyPrime
What is Financial Auditing, Accounting Vs. Auditing, What are Accounting Policies?, What is Accounting?, Edit Log Feature in TallyPrime, How Businesses in Oman Can Manage Budgets in TallyPrime Accounting Software?, Personalise the Business Reports the Way You Want
Key Dates for Phases and Waves of e-Invoicing Compliance in KSA
Simplifying VAT Compliance for Financial Institutions Using SWIFT Messages in UAE
Why TallyPrime Subscription Is Ideal for Startups and SMEs
Simplifying Arabic Invoice Compliance in Kuwait and Qatar with TallyPrime 5.0