/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Examination and auditing are common procedures to uplift any business. Quality control, joint venturing, financing opportunities, expansion plans, business certification, awards, and many other reasons would require you to opt for external auditing.
Management, shareholders, and the board of directors cannot evaluate the business's financial position according to an internal audit only.
External audit refers to the auditing and examination process that is conducted by an independent external accountant or a financial firm to examine the financial statements prepared by any business.
In most cases, an external audit will take place as a legal requirement. Investors and shareholders rely on external auditors to present an unbiased and independent audit report. The independence of the external auditors is the point here, that means they must in no way be personally connected to your business, and cannot have played any role in preparing the accounting records which will be audited.
External auditors should match the following requirements:
In most cases, the external audit is limited by a short time frame, which means the external auditors usually will not be able to review and examine every small detail of the accounts and financial records and statements.
External auditors focus and give their attention to a selected sample of results, figures, and transactions. It is a positive process designed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the business, rather than as a test looking for errors and issues.
The external audit report clarifies whether the financial statements give a true and fair representation of the business position during the auditing period. If this is the case, the report will state it with (true) referring to that all transactions listed occurred and all assets referred to exist, and (fair) confirming that assets and liabilities are fairly listed and that the value assigned to any transaction is fair.
The external audit report should have:
An external audit report could include other fair and true judgment situations which are being qualified in other ways:
Disagreement: This states that the accounts give a true and fair view aside from the impact of specific issues, such as the existence of unsuitable accounting methods, the existence of debts that can’t be recovered, or fraud that hasn’t been disclosed in the proper way.
Limited scope: This states that the accounts are true and fair but with some aspects remaining uncertain, such as particular documents were unavailable to the external auditors, or due to that the recording income method is at fault.
Adverse: This states that there are many issues with the accounts that can’t be considered providing a true and fair view of the business position.
Sometimes, the external auditors state that they haven’t been provided with enough information to be able to reach a clear conclusion and results.
TallyPrime can help your business in the external auditing process with its smart integrated features including:
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