Best in class functionalities for every business vertical
Inventory management
Flexible inventory management and accurate reports
Budget tracking
Create, manage and track multiple budgets across various projects
Insightful reporting
Customizable dashboard and over 100 + predefined reports that you can personalize the way it suits you
WhatsApp and e-Mailing
Quickly send invoices and all reports via e-mail in PDF, Excel, JPEG etc.
financial year
Flexibility to maintain books and reports for multiple financial years as per your business needs
Unlimited companies
Maintain unlimited companies with the same subscription at no additional cost.
Unified books
Maintain accounts, inventory, and manufacturing all in one software
Scale without cost
A complete business management solution that scales with your business at no additional cost
Quick installation and set
up in a few clicks
Prompt support
and assistance
Reach us on free telephonic
support (1800 700 5576) or write
Free software
2 hrs of free software training
to help you start and explore
TallyPrime easily
Excel import
Easily migrate all your Excel data to TallyPrime with just a few clicks
At Tally, we have customers from diverse geographies and various business segments such as manufacturing, trading, retail and services.
Get TallyPrime 3 Months Subscription For USD 81
No additional costs for extra features.
One price is all you pay.
Call 1800 700 5576 for any queries.
Download TallyPrime from our website and install it in education mode. The educational mode allows you to learn and use TallyPrime without buying a license. The only restriction you will have, is that you can enter transactions for only selected few dates. You can also register for a product demo where our representative can help you install the product to work in Educational Mode.
You can reach out to Tally at 1800 700 5576 or Alternatively, you can get in touch with any of the partners based out of your region.